With a DEEP UNDERSTANDING of consumer behavior, we develop MIXED REALITY STRATEGY to ensure you reach your business goals in this digital world

Mixed reality (MR) is the merging of real and virtual worlds to produce new environments and visualizations, where physical and digital objects co-exist and interact in real time.

Why Mixed Reality Strategy?

Empowering and protecting frontline workers
Productivity in frontline workers has only grown 1 percent over the last two decades, which, when compared to knowledge workers who have benefitted greatly from technology is not a lot. Mixed reality lets these frontline workers access data and information on site, hands free, as they are working. This means they work quicker, make less mistakes, and stay connected to others.


Improved training
We forget about 80 percent of what we learn after 30 days. This means we have to think about how we upskill and retrain our employees. By using mixed reality, you can provide hands-on visual learning at the touch of a button. It brings training to life with interactive content, photos, videos and 3D models bringing training. You can even use data to improve these experiences.


Remote servicing and collaboration
Your experts get a real-time view of a problem to troubleshoot efficiently. For some industries, technicians often travel all over to provide servicing, auditing, and maintenance on equipment. This can get costly and be time-consuming. Mix Reality will not only reduce costs, but frontline workers will get training on how to solve the problem if it occurs again in the future. This type of instant collaboration is great way to solve problems quicker, while learning on the job.

専門家は、問題のリアルタイムビューを取得して、効率的にトラブルシューティングを行います。一部の業界では、技術者が機器のサービス、監査、およびメンテナンスを提供するために頻繁に出張します。これにはコストと時間がかかる可能性があります。 Mix Realityはコストを削減するだけでなく、将来再び問題が発生した場合に問題を解決する方法について最前線の労働者がトレーニングを受けます。このタイプのインスタントコラボレーションは、仕事で学びながら問題をより迅速に解決するための優れた方法です。

From hospital wards to classrooms, construction sites to factory floors, mixed reality, AI, the intelligent edge and intelligent cloud are changing the way we work, learn, communicate, and get things done. Mixed reality brings to life everything we need to contextualise work. This makes for fewer errors, faster and more productive employees, better training, improved employee safety and amazing collaboration abilities. Connect with us today to get the best strategy for your business.

病棟から教室、建設現場、工場の床、複合現実、AI、インテリジェントエッジ、インテリジェントクラウドによって、私たちの仕事、学習、コミュニケーション、物事の遂行方法が変化しています。複合現実は、私たちが仕事を文脈化するために必要なすべてを実現します。これにより、エラーが少なくなり、従業員の生産性が向上し、トレーニングが向上し、従業員の安全性が向上し、コラボレーション能力が向上します。 今日私たちとつながり、あなたのビジネスに最適な戦略を手に入れましょう。



DX Strategy aims to become a top brand company not only in Japan but also in the world. We strive to bring benefits to our customers.

DX Strategyは,日本のみならず世界のトップブランド企業を目指しています。私たちはお客様にメリットをもたらすように努めています。

DX Strategy Co.,Ltd

Dubai Digital Park Building A2, Silicon Oasis, Dubai, UAE

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