Brain Machine Interface Strategy
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Urbanization is a non-ending phenomenon.
Humans directing machines with their brains may sound like something out of a science fiction film, but brain-machine interfaces are making it a reality. Understanding this developing technology now can aid in the development of effective policies before BMI becomes commonplace.
In a few years, we may be able to control our PowerPoint presentations and Excel files entirely with our minds. Companies may also desire to use BMI technology to track their employees' attention levels and mental states. And companies may want to use BMI technology to monitor the attention levels and mental states of their employees.
The purpose of a BMI is to detect and quantify features of brain signals that indicate the user's intentions and to translate these features in real time into device commands that accomplish the user's intent (Figure 2). To achieve this, a BMI system consists of 4 sequential components: (1) signal acquisition, (2) feature extraction, (3) feature translation, and (4) device output. These 4 components are controlled by an operating protocol that defines the onset and timing of operation, the details of signal processing, the nature of the device commands, and the oversight of performance. An effective operating protocol allows a BMI system to be flexible and to serve the specific needs of each user.
BMI technology enables a human brain and an external device to communicate—to send and receive signals. It allows humans to control machines directly without being limited by their physical limitations.
Today, this type of brain-machine interface technology is still being developed in labs like the one at ASU in 2016, which has since moved to the University of Delaware. In the future, all kinds of BMI tech could be sold to consumers or deployed on the battlefield.
But the use of BMI technology in the workplace, of course, raises a slew of ethical considerations and concerns.
For instance, advanced BMI technology could be used to reduce pain or even regulate emotions. What happens when military personnel are sent into battle with a reduced sense of fear? And when they return home, what psychological side effects might veterans experience without their “superhuman” traits?
As you see, the technology is far ahead of the policies and laws that will be required. However, corporate leaders must begin developing a BMI strategy as soon as possible in order to address the potential dangers and rewards.
If you are struggling at how to create a good strategy, please contact DX Strategy. We have experience in this and we can resolve your problems.